Ansuz Darkz Z2S
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Ansuz Darkz Z2S - Den ultimative resonanskontrol
Med flagskibsversionen Darkz Signature Z2s har Ansuz opnået en ny milepæl inden for effektiv resonanskontrol. Ved at fokusere på det dyrebare og særdeles musikalske Zirkonium materiale er det lykkedes Ansuz, at låse op for en helt ny dimension af musikalitet. Det resonanskontrollerende Zirkonium materiale skaber nemlig et lydebillede, der er helt uden sidestykke hvad angår naturlighed, renhed, præcision og opmærksomhed på musikalske detaljer. Der er tale om musikalsk raffinement i den absolut fineste klasse.
Raffineret med specielle belægninger
Ansuz har optimeret Darkz Z2s yderligere ved at påføre deres Supreme-coating på hver disk. Denne coating kan kun opnås ved at lægge hver af Zirkoniumskiverne i en HiPIMS PVD-maskine (High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering), så der skabes et fint og ensartet lag af Zirkonium, wolfram og titanium, der er efterfulgt af et lag tataniumnitrid. Til sidst påføres skiverne et lag Zirkonium, for at give Darkz'ene sin uovertruffen musikalske egenskaber. Det er innovation på allerhøjeste niveau!
Technologies and Components
Ansuz Darkz resonance control devices absorb vibrations that are not directly related to the signal path. The absorption results in an audible vibration feedback, which affects the sound quality. It is the natural and authentic sound that Ansuz Darkz devices are designed to preserve. There is no alteration of the authentic sound reproduction which, when using conventional grounding materials, often make the sound unnaturally cold and harsh.
Design philosophy – Darkz
When defining the exact set-up and the dimensions of the Darkz, Ansuz Acoustics was exclusively guided by its core philosophy to always strive for the ultimate in sound quality. The Ansuz Darkz consists of 3 discs. Each of the upper two discs floats on 3 interlayer balls to ensure excellent handling and absorption of vibrations.
Surface treatment
The surface is further acoustically optimized by applying the Ansuz Signature coating. This coating is applied to the surface in a Hi-PIMS (High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering) machine to create the finest and most uniform layer of Zirconium and tungsten followed by a layer consisting of aluminium titanium nitride. Finally, the discs are coated with a layer of zirconium.
Interlayer balls, Tungsten
Tungsten is a premium material in terms of stability and resonance control. It´s weight is 4 times higher than Titanium which enhances the mechanical grounding even further.
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